Drifting With a Giant Squid Page 3
John had replied, “It is your decision to feel that way,” then excused himself. He’d heard them begin arguing in hushed tones even before he’d made it down the hall to his bedroom.
Later, Grace had cornered him and whispered, “I’m so sorry Jonathan is saying these things. I honestly don’t know where they’re coming from.” She’d sighed heavily before telling him, “He’s worked with a couple gay men at his job for years. He’s never talked about them snidely. This doesn’t make sense.”
Sighing, John rested his hand on Grace’s shoulder and squeezed reassuringly. “Accepting it in an abstract manner, like working with someone, is very different than having a family member in a same-sex relationship.” John smiled warmly and added, “I’m grateful for your support, Grace. Something like this, it’s probably messing with his own identity since he’s always thought of me as this rugged, straight cop. I’m sure he just needs some time to accept that his father could find another man interesting in a romantic sense.”
Grace had nodded as she’d nibbled her bottom lip. Then she’d leaned close and whispered, “I think Carley might be a bit more than a friend to Anita, if you know what I mean.” Even as John had nodded, catching her hint that perhaps their daughter swung both ways, too, Grace continued, “So if Jon is acting like this with you, I fear how—” She paused and wrung her hands, glancing around furtively.
John understood Grace’s concern. If Jonathan couldn’t handle his father being in a gay relationship, how would he react to discovering his daughter may want to be in one, too? Would he be as big an ass to Anita as he was to him?
“You and the kids will always have my support,” John had encouraged. “We’ll get through this.”
Back behind his desk, processing paperwork and reading updates on his detectives’ cases, John began to relax for the first time in five days. He felt glad that this issue was coming out with him instead of Anita, but he needed a little time away from the toxic atmosphere. Plus, here at work, John knew he’d have the support of those he worked with.
Six months before, when Grisham had begun a permanent relationship with Cuzco, John had made certain everyone in the department knew bigoted behavior and discrimination would not be tolerated. It had caused one detective to go off the rails, and he’d attempted to murder Grisham. The man had been dirty anyway, had been in the process of being investigated by Internal Affairs, and he’d eventually been sent to prison for more than just that.
Speaking of Grisham.
Hearing the detective’s voice through his partially open door, John was tempted to go talk to him. He had the odd urge to ask Grisham if he’d seen William recently, and if so, had he said anything about him. Then he realized how high school-ish that sounded.
God, a few phone calls and I’m obsessing.
John would never admit to anyone just how much he looked forward to those damn phone calls he shared with William every evening. There was just something about the way that William always seemed so happy to hear from him that caused his heart to swell. On top of that, other things swelled just listening to William’s deep voice rumble in his ear, too.
In fact, just thinking about it caused his blood to heat and flow south.
Rolling his eyes in response to his thoughts, John rose to his feet. He needed to focus on work or—
“You sure the captain won’t mind me barging in on him? I’m hoping for an update.”
The sound of William’s voice caused John’s feet to freeze—his body, however, not so much. Heat rushed through his veins. Surely he had imagined—
“Come on back, William,” Grisham replied. Then with a laugh, he added, “I’ll see if he has a minute. Although, with the way that food from Mishka’s smells, I don’t see how he would say no, and if he does, I get first dibs.”
William’s warm chuckles washed over John’s senses, and goose bumps broke out on his arms. A shiver of awareness slithered through him as his blood flowed south. On top of that, he felt an odd wash of emotions that it took a couple of heartbeats to identity.
There was excitement and anticipation, sure, but underneath that, there was a bit of the little green monster—jealousy. John didn’t like the fact that someone else had made William laugh. It made no sense, especially since John didn’t have any hold on the man.
“Come on.”
“Thanks, Grish.”
Upon hearing the pair’s exchange, John swiftly sat back down behind his desk. He stared at his computer monitor and tapped on his keyboard, pretending to work on... anything. No way did he want the other men to realize he was listening and waiting for his first sight of William in six days with bated breath.
When Grisham knocked on the door and stuck his head in, asking if he had a minute, John barely had enough blood in his brain cells to answer in the affirmative and invite him in. All he could focus on was the handsome man standing behind the detective. His memory of William didn’t do him justice.
As John admired William’s wavy black hair, which was pulled back away from his face, along with his warm green eyes and wide smile, all he could think was—why the hell is he bothering with me?
* * * *
“Thank you for seeing me,” William stated, doing his best to sound formal... just in case someone outside the office was listening. He saw the slightly shell-shocked expression on John’s face, and it filled him with pride that he’d put it there. William appreciated the scent of arousal lightly perfuming the air, too.
My mate definitely feels the pull. Hell yeah.
Before John had a chance to speak, Grisham closed the captain’s office door. The detective had assured William that as long as the blinds were drawn and they didn’t get too loud, no one would be any the wiser regarding what happened between them. While William could think of all the fantastic ways he could take advantage of that, he knew better than to try the first time he was there.
Striding forward slowly, William smiled at John. “I hope you don’t mind. I got tired of waiting.” Shrugging unrepentantly, he added, “I’m not always a patient man.” William set the bag containing their lunch on John’s desk. “I did make it seem as if I was here for a case update, so no one would think twice about me being ensconced in here with you.” As William spoke, he crossed to the window and used the plastic stick to close the shade’s slats. All the rest were already done.
John finally seemed to find his tongue. “Sooo, I’m guessing Grisham is in on getting you in here to see me.” Rubbing the back of his neck, he flicked his gaze toward the closed door before refocusing on William. His brows furrowed as he cocked his head. “And why would those men you just walked past think I would make time for you?” His cheeks pinked as he smirked. “No offense.”
William cleared his throat as he rested his knuckles on John’s desk and leaned toward him. “Well, I wasn’t gonna tell you this until we’d had a date or two.” Seeing the way John’s brows ratcheted up and how his shoulders tensed as he straightened in his seat, William lifted a hand in placation. “Nothing bad. Just didn’t want to scare ya off.” Curving his lips into a wry smile, he told him, “My brother is Kaiser, and I... well, we own the majority shares of World of Aquatica.” Pointing his thumb over his shoulder, William told John, “Your people out there think I’m here to follow up on the open case of Solomon Lynch’s abduction and attempted murder.”
John’s jaw sagged open as he stared at him with wide eyes. “Shit, I was so tempted to look you up, but since Jonathan was in town, I never took the time.” Shaking his head, he waved toward the bag of take out food. “So? What did you bring? We can eat, and you can tell me why you’ve decided to pursue an older guy like me. Is it a game? Sport? For entertainment?”
William had been afraid John would respond with something like that. “Could it possibly be something as simple as... I find you attractive?” Glancing between the wrapped food he pulled from the plastic sack and John’s face, he continued, “Grish said your favorite sub from
Mishka’s Subs & Wraps is a hot wing sub with blue cheese dressing and extra hot sauce.”
Placing the referred to item halfway across the desk in front of John, William winked as he added, “Don’t worry. I brought plenty of napkins.” Those he added to the desk, too. “Now, myself, I prefer their lobster and crab salad in pita bread. I always get plenty, so if you want to try a bite, I wouldn’t mind.”
Once William had everything set before them, he used the toes of his right foot to hook the leg of one of the chairs. He pulled it close, then settled on it. Grabbing one of the wrapped pitas, William began to open it.
A wealth of pleasure surged through William when he saw John finally reach for his food. His animal liked providing a meal for his mate—even if they had purchased it from a restaurant. The urge to care for John was damn hard to resist, and William appreciated that he could finally start to give in to it.
“So, then...” John began slowly as he unwrapped his sub. Licking his lips, he hummed as he stared at his food. “These are so damn good but the calories.” Even as he picked up half, John shook his head and sighed. “I’m gonna have to spend an extra thirty minutes in the gym for the next week because of this.”
Then John took a big bite, moaning softly around his mouthful of warm food.
William grinned as he picked up his large pita pocket full of seafood salad. His animal vocalized hungrily in his mind as his stomach growled. He knew he should’ve eaten breakfast, but he’d been too excited. His stomach had been full of butterflies anyway.
Since William didn’t want to appear as a glutton in front of his mate, he’d left another three pitas in his truck. He would eat them when he was finished with his pseudo-date with John. After all, it wasn’t like his mate would understand his huge appetite.
I’ll explain all that later. Gotta get John on board first.
“I do like the sounds you’re making, John,” William murmured while lifting his food to his mouth. Before taking a bite, he couldn’t help but add, “And I would be more than happy to help you burn off those extra calories.”
John froze mid-chew and stared at him with a wide-eyed expression.
William bet it took every bit of self-control John had not to gape at him. Smiling, he waggled his brows at the man he wanted to soon make his lover. “I know we’re attracted to each other, John. Why do my words surprise you?”
Putting down his sandwich, John grabbed a napkin as he swallowed. He cleared his throat and wiped his hands, cleaning the drips of sauce from his fingers before it began oozing down his arms. Then he picked up his coffee mug and took a swig.
For some reason, William felt a tinge of jealousy for that cup. It was touching his mate’s lips, after all. He wanted to grab his human and haul him across the desk so he could ravish his mouth. William bet John would taste fantastic.
Instead, he focused on eating, soothing his rumbling stomach.
“I don’t think I’ve ever had anyone speak so forwardly to me before,” John finally told him as he picked up his sandwich again. His hazel eyes held a hint of amusement even as his cheeks remained a lovely pinkish hue. “If we start dating, is it something I’m going to have to get used to?”
William really didn’t like the if John had used. Growling softly, he finished his last bite of his first pita. As he wiped his hands, he pinned a hungry gaze on John.
“Oh, John,” William rumbled gruffly. “There is no if. We are already dating. Those phone calls we’ve been sharing? That was us getting to know each other.” Using the soiled napkin to indicate between them, he claimed, “This is our first official date, as unorthodox as it is, because I’m willing to work around the fact that you have family in town and need to spend most of your free time with them.” William winked as he leaned over the desk. “I’m thoughtful like that. And, yeah, I’m definitely going to be sharing my desires with you. Just as I hope you’ll share yours with me.”
John stared back at William, holding his gaze steadily. After a few long seconds, he nodded once.
Pleasure filled William at his mate’s acquiescence.
“My son and his family are leaving on Friday night,” John said, although he’d already told William that. Before William could remind him of that conversation on the phone, John continued, “Are you available Saturday?”
Pleasure coursed through William. “Absolutely. Do you like fishing?”
“I do.”
“Good.” William unwrapped his second pita. “Then take the second exit after the one for World of Aquatica. I’ll give you the code for the gate to our private dock. Eight o’clock work for you?”
After John had nodded, William returned to his food. Just like on the phone, they easily fell into light conversation, sharing about themselves—well, sort of on William’s end. All the while William looked forward to Saturday.
Deep sea fishing on the ocean will be the perfect opportunity for alone time with my mate.
Chapter Four
John stopped his Ford Taurus in front of the electronic gates. After taking a deep breath, he let it out slowly. His heart pounded wildly in his chest, and sweat broke out on his temples.
Am I really doing this?
Rubbing the back of his neck, John tried to even out his breathing. He reached down and adjusted himself. Just the prospect of seeing William again had him stiffening in his jeans. John didn’t understand it.
Or maybe it’s the memory of his kiss. God, that had been so amazing.
The memory flashed through his mind even as he tried to think of something else.
After they’d both eaten their food—John couldn’t remember the last time someone had been so thoughtful to figure out his favorite food, then to bring it to him—William rose to his feet. Without preamble, he rounded the desk while wiggling his fingers in an upward motion, indicating that John should stand.
Without thought, John obeyed. He opened his mouth to ask what William needed, but the man cradled his jaw, freezing his breath in his lungs. His other hand landed on John’s hip and squeezed gently. Tingles erupted through his groin where William’s thumb was so very close.
“Now, John,” William rumbled softly, his tone husky and low. “I’m going to give you a goodbye kiss and miss the fuck out of you over the next few days.”
John had never understood the phrase his eyes smoldered... until right then. William’s green eyes definitely smoldered. John’s breath caught in his chest at the intensity of that look.
“Tell me you’re ready for that.”
With his blood rushing through his veins in a way John couldn’t ever remember feeling, he swallowed hard enough to cause his Adam’s apple to bob. His prick swelled in his slacks. While he couldn’t get his throat to work, John still managed to nod.
William growled softly, his green eyes glittering. As he slowly dipped his head, he held John’s gaze. When his lips were a hairsbreadth from his own, and John could feel his breath against his lips, he paused.
“Say yes,” William whispered, his eyes full of heat. “Say yes, John.”
Unable to resist William’s allure, John once again obeyed. “Yes.”
Then William sealed his lips over John’s own. He didn’t ask. He took. William nipped at John’s lower lip, drawing a gasp from him.
William tipped his head sideways, positioning his lips over John’s more securely. He thrust his tongue into his mouth and lapped along John’s own. Next, he pushed his tongue deeper, swirling it around John’s mouth as he mapped it with single-minded intensity.
Goose bumps broke out on John’s upper arms. The hairs on his nape stood on end. Tingles worked down his chest, causing his nipples to bead.
Acting on instinct and need, John grabbed William’s hip with one hand. With his other, he threaded his fingers through the bigger man’s hair. John gripped his hair and pushed upward into his mouth, thrusting his tongue into William’s mouth and giving as good as he got.
His mind clouded.
His blood burned in his veins. His entire body felt as if fiery tingles coursed over him.
It wasn’t until black spots danced across his vision and his lungs burned with his need for oxygen that he jerked his head backward. He heaved, sucking in deep, gasping breaths as he stared up the couple inches of height difference to meet William’s gaze. It was a novel experience, looking up at the person he’d just kissed.
Kissed. Ha! Ravished and was ravished in return.
Easing his hand from William’s hair, John realized he’d practically yanked the man’s hair tie from his tail. William didn’t seem to mind. Not if the way the man peered at him was anything to go by.
“So,” William murmured softly, tracing his fingertips along John’s jawline as he pulled away from him. His slightly puffy lips were curved into a wide grin. “As much as I want to continue, what I have in mind will cause far too much noise.”
Releasing John, William took a step backward. He lifted his left hand and pulled his already loosened tie from his hair, then thrust his right through his thick, wavy black locks. After a few finger-combs, he retied his hair.
“God, that shouldn’t look so sexy.”
John didn’t even realize he’d said the words out loud until William beamed a huge smile at him. “Thanks, John.” William winked. “I think you’re damn fine yourself.”
“Are you going to sit out here all morning?”
John would forever deny the startled bark that escaped his throat. Gaping, he peered at William through the open window. The sexy man had his forearms resting on his hood and was bent so he could stare in at him.
When the hell did he walk up to my car?
Scowling at the man, John grumbled, “Don’t do that.”
William grinned, although the expression appeared a little sheepish. “Sorry, handsome. You must have been really deep in thought.” Sliding his gaze down... and down... William focused on John’s crotch. “And they must have been damn good thoughts.” Meeting John’s gaze again, William gave him a lecherous smile. “Care to share, John?”