Drifting With a Giant Squid Read online

Page 4

  John gathered the same courage he used to deal with reporters, forcing his pounding heart to calm. Smirking at William, he teased, “You know, I knew we were going fishing, but I thought that was later.” He spotted the way William’s dark brows shot up, so decided to add, “You know. On the ocean? You should have told me we were fishing on shore. I would have brought you some waders.”

  After an instant, William broke into a huge smile as he barked a laugh. “Touché,” he replied, straightening. “Follow me down. I’ll show you where to park.”

  Still grinning, William pushed away from John’s car and strode swiftly to a golf cart.

  Yep, I didn’t hear that drive up, either.

  John would have felt foolish, except then his focus landed on William’s tall, broad form and confident movements, distracting him from his thoughts. Every step caused the muscles in his calves to flex as well as his ass, which was beautifully hugged by the dark-blue and white striped board shorts he wore. Even William’s pale green tank top showcased the strong lines of his back.

  It wasn’t until William climbed into the golf cart, cutting off John’s view, did he manage to scrape together a few brain cells.

  Shaking his head at himself, John shifted his vehicle into gear and followed the golf cart as it led the way down the paved road. He drove down a fairly steep grade with a metal railing to his right and the cliff to his left. When John rounded a bend, the view opened up, revealing a nice-sized parking area, a boat ramp, and a small marina.

  John whistled under his breath as he took in the small yacht that was docked at the farthest slip.

  William stopped the golf cart in the parking area, so John did the same. He popped his trunk before exiting the vehicle. From within there, John grabbed his duffle bag and slung it over his shoulder. It contained a spare change of clothes and a jacket as well as a few snacks—a bag of granola, a canister of peanuts, and a couple of pieces of fruit.

  When John reached for his fishing tackle box and his rod, William appeared next to him and touched his wrist. “You won’t need that, John.” He grinned as he indicated John’s pole. “Not unless you have a hundred or more pound line on that thing.”

  Leaving his tackle box in his truck, John straightened as disbelief filled him. “A hundred pounds? Just what are we fishing for today?”

  Laughing, William shrugged. “Anything you want. What if we snag an awesome eighty-five or ninety-pound tuna? Even a decent seabass could be fifty pounds.” He knocked his shoulder against John’s as he added, “Unless you think it’s a lucky pole or something, leave it. I have everything we need.”

  John shrugged. “Okay.” He placed the pole back inside and closed the trunk. Then he lifted his key fob and hit the lock button.

  William laughed again as he hooked his arm around John’s waist. After pressing a kiss to John’s temple, he teased, “Who do you think is going to try to steal your ride, handsome?” William pointed toward a discreetly placed camera affixed on a ledge of a cliff at the edge of the parking lot. “Besides, any action down here gets verified as soon as it happens to keep trespassers out. Smile. You’re on Candid Camera.”

  Chuckling at William’s teasing tone, John nodded. “Habit. I live in the city.”

  Letting out a hum, William narrowed his eyes. “Yeah. You’re a little far away.”

  John wondered what William could mean by that, but then the man used his free hand to cradle his jaw. Even as they walked—albeit slower—William sealed his lips over John’s and gave him a welcoming kiss.

  * * * *

  When William lifted his head, he grinned down at John. He loved the scrambled-brain, glazed-eyes expression his kisses put on his mate’s face. It caused his pulse to thud wildly in his chest and his heart to swell with pride.

  “Come on,” William urged, sliding his hand down to twine his fingers with John’s. “Let’s get going.” He waggled his brows. “I can’t wait to get you all to myself.”

  John chuckled, but he sped up his walk to keep pace with William. “The crowds around here making you nervous, big guy?”

  Laughing, William winked at him. “Away from cameras, too.” He glanced behind him, knowing Ovram—their technology expert who shared his spirit with a sea lion—was watching every move they made. “So, you’re obviously comfortable kissing a man, and while I don’t particularly want to discuss your past conquests, I am interested in just how much experience you have on my side of the fence.” William forced a smile when he spotted the telltale color on John’s cheeks, gathering his self-control so he wouldn’t say something inappropriately possessive. “I don’t want to freak you out by pushing too hard, John, but I want to be honest with you, too.”

  I want to fuck and claim you so damn bad.

  William kept that thought to himself. He needed to introduce John to his animal first. After over a week of knowing the man and many words of caution and advice from not only his brother but the other mated shifters at the park, William still had no idea how he was going to accomplish that.

  Maybe Fate will show me the way.

  “Uh, well, I told you I married Sheila when I was still in the academy, then she left me four years later when Jonathan was two, remember?”

  William nodded. “I do.” He remembered everything John had ever told him.

  “Well, while in high school, I fooled around with a couple of guys. We were all on the football team together.” John shoved his hands into the pockets of his jeans. His face had turned a deep shade of pink, and he was staring at the yacht, obviously unwilling to meet William’s gaze. “Public showers, testosterone, nudity. It started out with playful swats on the ass and went from there.” Finally, John flicked his gaze toward William, but only for an instant. He snorted. “Dares, ya see.” Shrugging, he finished, “Kissing a guy was just as good as any of the girls. Plus I loved the jerk circles... getting to see the other guys’ hard dicks. The feel of their hard flesh in my palm, making them cry out.” John cleared his throat, scratching the back of his neck with his left hand as he mumbled, “Heady stuff. But then I graduated.” Meeting William’s gaze fully, John told him seriously, “It was different in the academy back then. It wasn’t all right to be... out. I pushed my bisexuality into a box and dated women. Got married. Had a kid. I’d never admit it to Jonathan, but Sheila leaving was a good thing for me, even if it meant working long hours and scrimping and saving, so I could raise him.”

  “Thank you for sharing,” William responded, his tone a husky growl he couldn’t hide. He hoped John thought it was from arousal and not from the jealousy coursing through his system. Teasing his fingertips along his mate’s temple, tracing the gray hairs there, William told him, “Soon, I’m gonna get your cherry, and you will be mine.”

  John’s nostrils flared as he sucked in a harsh breath. His lips parted a little, and his tongue slipped out to wet them. “Sure of yourself, are you?” he whispered, his voice sounding breathy.

  William scented John’s arousal, the masculine aroma perfuming the air and making his mouth water. “Of you, absolutely,” he replied gruffly. “I’ve wanted you since the second we met.” Threading the fingers of his free hand into John’s hair, he teased along the back of his scalp. “You draw me as no other ever has, and I know we can be great together.”

  From the way John’s jaw sagged open, William realized he might have been a little too forward. He refused to back-track, however. While he hadn’t planned to blurt out declarations quite yet, what was done was done.

  Damn. Guess my patience is wearing thinner than I thought.

  “Left you a little shocked, I guess.” William shrugged, then pressed a kiss to the corner of John’s mouth. After that, he slid the tips of his fingers from where he’d been caressing his mate’s temple down under his chin. As he used them to urge John to close his mouth, William told him, “There’s no point beating around the bush, John. I’ve been waiting for a connection like the one we have for a very, very lo
ng time. Now come on. Let’s go have some fun.”

  William released John after another too short peck to the lips he loved to taste. “Come on.”

  Leading the way down the long dock to the small yacht, William guided John onto it. He and Kaiser used it when they wanted to head to deeper water for big game hunting in squid form. While it wasn’t required that they eat while an animal, it definitely pleased their other half.

  Besides, William found it fun and great exercise. He knew his brother used it to blow off steam.

  William showed John around the large craft, then fired up the engine. After he’d unhooked her lines from the dock, he guided the yacht along a carefully dug channel that could accommodate its deeper draw. As they headed to open sea, William reveled in the wide grin on John’s face.

  He hoped what he intended to share while he had John as a captive audience wouldn’t cause his mate’s happiness to flee.

  Chapter Five

  John laughed as William reeled in another fish. Somehow, the man seemed to have a sixth sense as to where they would be as well as what kind. William changed the bait often, explaining to John what each bait was designed to attract.

  For a few seconds, John admired the large seabass William was landing. The yank on his pole returned his attention back to his own line. He jerked upward, then began fighting to reel in his strike.

  Bracing against his chair’s harness, John was damn glad for the security it provided. He could imagine himself being yanked right into the ocean without it. His arm muscles strained as did his legs and abdominals. Never had John thought of fishing as a full-body workout until that morning.

  “You got it, John! Keep tugging,” William encouraged. “At this rate, we’ll have enough to feed us for a week.”

  “A week?” John barked a laugh, then gritted his teeth as the fish on the other end of the line gave an extra vigorous tug. Still, John couldn’t help glancing at William before refocusing on reeling in his fish. “We’ve already caught like... eight huge fish. How can you say just a week?”

  William leaned close, nuzzling his nose along John’s neck. “I have a big appetite, John,” he whispered, his warm breath fanning over the hairs behind John’s ear.

  John jolted, nearly dropping his pole. “Shit,” he hissed, glancing over his shoulder for just a second. “You keep doing that and you’re gonna make me drop this pole.”

  Even as William chuckled, he straightened a little, putting a few inches between them. “I’ve lost my fair share of poles out here,” he admitted. He rested his hands on John’s shoulders and massaged lightly. “Almost there. I can see a dark body moving in the water.”

  John pressed into his touch, loving William’s touchy-feely-ness. During the course of the morning, he’d done a lot of it, too. William would brush his fingers over his neck, up his spine, and over his shoulder. Just as often William paused to dip his head and press a kiss to John’s skin... and it wasn’t just his lips. His neck, nape, temple, and even his ear had been thoroughly mapped by William’s lips.

  For the first time in several decades, John’s body was thrumming with a steady beat of arousal. At first, he’d been confused about what William was doing, since he never went beyond that. It had taken John over an hour to figure it out.

  William is getting me used to his touch.

  It was a spine-tingling and ball-rolling experience, and John loved every damn second of it.

  Maybe I need to do a little touching of my own.

  Grinning at his idea, John finally managed to spot the fish William had claimed he’d seen. As they’d been at it, John had discovered his date had extremely amazing eyesight. Plus he was strong, making reeling in the big fish he continued to catch look so damn easy.

  Watching William’s muscles ripple—the man was wearing a pale-green tank top that showed off his torso nearly to perfection—made John’s mouth water. He wanted to rip the thin fabric from the man so he could see the rest of him. More than once, John had felt his fingers twitch with his desires.

  So what the fuck am I waiting for?

  For the first time in John’s life, he had every intention of taking what he wanted.

  “Come on, John,” William urged. “Focus, or you’re gonna lose it. You tired?” He rubbed his palms down John’s back. “You need me to take it?”

  Right. Focus on the damn fish.

  “I’m okay. Almost got it.” John smirked over his shoulder at William for a second, saying, “Get ready with the hook to catch it.”

  William did as John had instructed, getting ready to help John land the fish.

  Once they’d gotten it in the boat, William grinned broadly at him as the small tuna flopped on the deck. “That’s a damn nice one, John.” He grabbed the fillet knife and stabbed it through the big fish’s brain, ending its life with swift precision. “I think we’re gonna eat this one. You about ready for lunch?”

  As if on cue, John’s stomach growled.

  Chuckling, William cast a grin his way. “Good answer, my handsome mate.” He winked at him, then asked, “Will you start putting the fishing gear back together while I fillet this seventy-pound beast you brought in? Then I’ll gut the seabass I landed and start cooking.”

  “Gonna make me lunch, big man,” John teased with a grin even as he obeyed and began working on the cleaning up their gear.

  “Of course.” William snickered deeply as he winked at John. “The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, after all.”

  At that, John felt said heart skip a beat. William wants my heart? As he replayed over all their interactions, John could definitely see how everything the man did was moving them in that direction.

  Pulling himself out of his thoughts, John finished cleaning up their supplies. He was done long before William was, so he made himself at home in the galley. Finding a baking sheet, olive oil, and even several different kinds of seasonings, John laid everything out on the counter.

  John didn’t know how William intended to prepare the fish, but he knew they had way more meat than needed. “A week,” he mumbled, remembering the almost dozen large fish that they’d already caught. “He thinks he can eat all that in a week?”

  “Well, you, me, and my brother,” William stated, entering the room. He grinned widely as he waggled his brows. “The large appetites will make sense after lunch.”

  While John didn’t understand the man’s comment, he nodded anyway. He watched William place the fillets on the baking sheet. Noticing the blood on the younger man’s hands, John turned on the kitchen faucet.

  God, the conveniences on this thing.

  William flashed a grin his way, then crossed to it and began washing his hands.

  Taking advantage of William’s distraction, John slipped behind him. He brazenly rested his hands on the man’s sides, then eased his palms under the hem of his tank top. Goose bumps broke out on his forearms as he rubbed over William’s firm back muscles.

  William froze for a second, then hummed as he peered over his shoulder at John. His expression was one of pleasure. Heat lit up his eyes.

  “Playing with fire, John,” William rumbled.

  Damn the man is ripped.

  John didn’t understand what the man saw in him, but he seemed so damn sure of what he wanted.

  I intend to take advantage of that for as long as possible.

  Even knowing it was the cheesiest thing he’d ever said, John met William’s hungry gaze while replying hotly, “And what if I want to get burned?”

  William’s eyes narrowed, and he appeared extremely pleased. “Then touch away.”

  For the first time in a long, long time, John did what he wanted without care for what was best for everyone else. He pushed William’s shirt upward, admiring every tanned, toned stretch of skin as he did so. John traced over the grooves of William’s muscles, the knobs of his spine, and even the delineation of his ribs. Everything on the man spoke of masculine beauty and perfe

  John lowered his gaze and focused on William’s ass behind the fabric of his striped shorts.

  I want a piece of that.

  Lowering his hands, John gripped William’s globes. He felt the clench of the firm mounds, while at the same time, a rumbling growl erupted from William’s chest and a tremble worked through the bigger man’s body. A shiver of power coursed through John, knowing he’d caused such a reaction in the larger man.

  Hell yeah!

  * * * *

  William trembled where he stood. Only by gripping the edge of the sink did he manage to keep from turning around and grabbing his mate. The feel of John sliding his palms over his back, tracing his spine, and sliding around his sides caused the hairs on his nape to stand on end. His squid vocalized low in his mind, and his body thrummed with need.

  Groaning softly, William shuddered. “Gods, John. Does just the idea of me cooking fish for lunch get you hot?” He peered over his shoulder and met John’s gaze, knowing his hunger showed clearly in his eyes. “Or have you run out of patience? You know you can do anything to me you want.”

  “Anything?” John asked breathily. He held William’s gaze even as he continued to massage William’s ass cheeks, pulling them apart, then allowing them to ease back together again.

  William’s channel clenched. He knew what John wanted, and while he hadn’t bottomed in over two centuries, he would for his mate. He curved his lips into a feral grin.


  John’s nostrils flared, and his eyes dilated. He swallowed so hard his Adam’s apple bobbed. Groaning, he grabbed the base of William’s shirt and tugged upward.

  Happy to go along with his encouragement, William lifted his arms as he bent sideways at the waist. He growled softly, reveling in the fact that his mate was undressing him. Once John had whipped it over his head and off his hands, William turned to face John.