With a Wolf’s Support Read online

Page 5

  “What you are?” Leo repeated slowly, recalling his research. “Because you’re gay? Is that why you ended up on the streets, Jerry?”

  Jerry nodded his head where he rested it on his knees. With his arms around his shins, he was obviously making himself the smallest target possible. The move also did a decent job of protecting his soft spots... as if he were waiting for a punch or kick.

  Leo hated what the nonverbal information was telling him. His mate had had a damn tough life.

  Not anymore though.

  “Do you think less of Alpha Declan and his doctor mate? Or Stephani? Or Luther and his partner, Deke?” Leo murmured the questions into Jerry’s ear, hoping his quiet tones would help to soothe him. When several minutes passed without Jerry responding, he pressed, “Do you think less of me because I consider myself bisexual? Or maybe you think I’m not good enough for you because I’ve slept with so many people that I’ve lost count.”

  Finally, that got a response.

  Jerry turned his head, meeting Leo’s gaze, and gaped at him.

  At least he’s no longer curled up.

  Leo shrugged one shoulder, twisting his lips into a wry smile. “It’s true,” he admitted. “I’m about a decade shy of two hundred years old, Jer. That’s a long time to be having sex.” Gliding his left hand up Jerry’s blanket-covered chest, Leo cradled his jaw. He rubbed his thumb along Jerry’s bottom lip lightly, enjoying the plump flesh he wanted to nibble, tease, and taste. “On the other hand, that means I’ll be damn good at pleasing you.”

  “Y-You’re worried I won’t want you?” Jerry responded incredulously. “That’s ridiculous.” Then he paused, cocking his head.

  Just smiling back at him, Leo waited, hoping his mate would share whatever had popped into his head.

  “So, um, those other guys. They’re mates. Does that mean they’re lovers, too? They’re all, um... gay?” Jerry whispered the last word, as if it were dirty or something.

  Leo figured that had been trained into him—probably first by his parents and their church, then by the gangs that had essentially owned him. He figured he had his work cut out for himself to change that idea. Years of programming wouldn’t be changed overnight.

  “Yes, Jerry,” Leo answered, keeping his voice warm. It was tough because all he wanted to do was track down every asshole that had hurt Jerry and destroy them. “Alpha Declan and Doctor Lark Trystan are mates and partners in all ways. Same as the others you saw there. Manon’s partner is waiting at home for him to return.” Leo offered a reassuring smile as he continued, “I know you’ve been told your entire life that what you feel is wrong, but it’s just not true, my mate.”

  Leo slid his hand up into Jerry’s thick red hair and cradled his skull. “What we feel for each other. It’s totally natural.” Seeing the flare of hope light up his mate’s eyes, Leo hoped he was getting through. He also knew he needed to be honest and straightforward. Jerry deserved nothing less. “I long to be able to explore everything we could have together. Now that I’ve met you, you’re the most important person in my life.”

  “Is being mates like, well, marriage?”

  “You’re so smart.” Leo couldn’t help but grin at how swiftly Jerry was putting everything together. “Yes, Jer. Mating is like marriage... but more. Once we bond, there’s no such thing as divorce.” Unable to hide his growl just at the thought of his mate wanting to leave him, Leo added, “Shifters don’t cheat, and if another were to touch you, I would kill them.” He saw the way Jerry’s eyes widened, so he quickly racked his brain for the good points. “I’ll always strive to keep you happy. Your health and safety will always be my goals. And sated.” His blood heated just at the thought. “I wish to show you all the pleasure your body can experience at my touch.”

  “Y-You’d pleasure me?” Jerry’s lips parted, and his breath came in soft pants. “Really?”

  “Absolutely,” Leo replied, his own arousal spiking at the growing scent of Jerry’s arousal. His human definitely liked that idea. “I will give you so much bliss that you pass out from it. That will be my goal.”

  Jerry scoffed as he rolled his eyes. “That’s not possible.”

  Leo grinned broadly. “Are you challenging me?” He chuckled huskily. “I do like the sound of that.” Then he sobered. “But once we begin, there is no turning back.” Sliding the hand he had in Jerry’s hair down to his nape, Leo tightened his right arm, pulling him flush to his chest. “I would like nothing more than to suck your cock until you spill in my mouth, so I can drink your seed.”

  From the way Jerry’s breath hitched, and how his eyes widened, Leo knew his mate liked that idea, too.

  “It will start the bonding process, though, Jerry,” Leo warned. Sliding his palm under the blanket, Leo ran into his mate’s thick coat. Right. At least, I’ve warmed him up. “Shall I give you time to think about it?”

  Leo couldn’t resist adding just a bit of persuasion. So much for being patient. He eased his hand downward some more, finding Jerry’s fly and cupping the bulge. Pressing and massaging lightly, Leo dipped his head and nipped at the side of Jerry’s neck.

  “Think about what you want, my mate,” Leo rumbled gruffly. “I’m not a patient man, but I’ll do the best I can with you. Tell me the pace you want to go.”

  Jerry groaned and shuddered in his hold. “That makes it sound like I don’t truly have a choice.”

  Leo released Jerry’s groin and moved his palm to his thigh. Lifting his head, he held his mate’s heavy-lidded gaze. “That’s a true statement, Jerry,” he stated. For good or ill, he answered honestly. “The second I scented you, there was no going back for either of us.”

  With bated breath, Leo waited for Jerry’s response.

  Chapter Six

  Holy camoles!

  Jerry couldn’t ever remember being so turned on.

  And Leo expects me to think?

  While Jerry figured he was staying quiet for too long, he couldn’t seem to find his tongue. Really, how was he supposed to pull any thoughts together with his dick throbbing so badly? He’d almost moaned when Leo had removed his hand. While he’d occasionally gotten off when a john fucked him, which had always left him feeling even dirtier than when he didn’t get off, Jerry had never ever been hard before the process started.

  Now he was thinking about begging to be fucked.

  How is this possible?

  Just as quickly, Jerry knew the answer was simple. Paranormals were real. Shifters were real. That meant magick and mates and bonds were real, too.

  When Leo rose to his feet and moved toward the fire, an intense sensation coursed through Jerry. It took him a couple of heartbeats to recognize it. As he watched Leo add a couple more logs to the fire, Jerry realized he felt... bereft.

  Jerry had only felt it once before, when he’d been kicked out by his family, and he had hated the feeling then, too.

  “Cock tease,” Jerry blurted out, his confusion and frustration finally allowing him to find his tongue. The next second, embarrassment flooded him. He couldn’t believe he’d said that.

  Leo spun around where he crouched and pinned him with a look that appeared almost... feral.

  Sucking in a swift breath, Jerry felt his cheeks blaze, and he knew he blushed. Unable to hold Leo’s hungry gaze, he lowered his chin. The need to watch out for the big man’s response was too ingrained in Jerry, so he peered at him from beneath his lashes.

  Except, Leo didn’t swing a hand to smack him upside the head or across the mouth. Instead, he eased onto his hands and knees and crawled across the couple of steps between them. Leo pushed his nose against Jerry’s neck and inhaled, openly scenting him.

  The hairs on Jerry’s neck stood on end, and goose bumps broke out on his shoulders. Tingles erupted through his torso, and his breath caught in his throat. When the sensation hit his groin, Jerry whimpered.

  “Gods, Jer,” Leo rumbled, nuzzling his skin. “That’s a beautiful sound.

  Leo nipped Jerry’s neck where it met his shoulder, creating a fresh wash of zings that caused Jerry’s nipples to bead.

  “And I’m not a cock tease, sweetheart,” Leo countered gruffly. “If you say the word, I will oh-so-happily take care of you.”

  Then Leo sucked on Jerry’s pulse point, ruining any chance of finding his tongue that he had. Each pull at his neck caused his dick to twitch. Feeling pre-cum ooze from his erection, Jerry moaned. He released the blanket and rested his palms on the rug behind him, needing to lock his elbows in order to stay upright.

  With just those few touches, Leo was reducing his body to Jello.

  “Gods, baby,” Leo muttered on a groan. “You look so gorgeous lost in lust like this.” He nuzzled his cheek along Jerry’s neck, his five o’ clock shadow rasping lightly against his skin. “But I need you to tell me what you want, my mate. If you don’t want this, I need to pull away, or I won’t be able to stop.” Leo rumbled a gruff growl before finishing, “You just smell and respond so damn good. I want you so fucking badly.”

  Jerry whimpered. He knew his mind was a mess. How could it not be? With his body on fire, Jerry’s brain was in no condition to make a decision, but he knew he had to.

  Deciding to focus on something non-sexual, Jerry latched onto a memory. “Y-You said that, um—” Closing his eyes, he breathed through his nose in an effort to draw his thoughts together. When Leo stopped kissing and sucking on his neck, putting a bit of space between his mouth and Jerry’s skin, he felt a mixture of relief and disappointment. At least the move allowed him the opportunity to think. “You said that we would spend time figuring out, um, what I like?” Jerry turned his head so he could meet Leo’s gaze fully. “Is that still something we’re doing? Even way out here?”

  The hunger eased from Leo’s expression just a smidge, and his lips curved into a wide smile. “Oh, yes, Jer,” he assured, nodding once. “Yes, we’ll definitely be exploring your likes and dislikes.” Waggling his brows, Leo added, “I can’t know how to please you if I don’t know what you like or don’t like, right?”

  Jerry felt a light, crazy buoyant sensation that he couldn’t recall experiencing in... forever.


  Returning Leo’s grin, Jerry nodded. He rocked forward and wrapped his arms around the bigger man’s neck. His momentum reversed, and he began tumbling back to the rug.

  While Leo probably could have stopped them, the bigger man went with it. Levering over Jerry, Leo smiled down at him. He caught his weight on his forearms, which he rested on either side of Jerry’s head.

  “So, my mate,” Leo murmured, his hazel eyes full of warmth as he peered at him. “What do you think?”

  “I think,” Jerry began, licking his lips as he lowered his focus from Leo’s gaze. “While I’m sorry that Stephani and Sara were kidnapped and got hurt, I think it was the best thing to ever happen to me.” Sliding his gaze back to Leo’s eyes, Jerry asked, “Does that make me a bad person?”

  “Not at all, Jerry,” Leo responded softly. “Because I feel the same way.”

  Jerry nodded. “Then, if it’s okay with you, I’d like you to give me my first kiss.” Even as he spoke the words, Jerry’s heart rate spiked, anticipation thrumming through him.

  Will Leo do it?

  Jerry sure hoped so. He didn’t know what he would do if Leo said he didn’t kiss. Over the years, he’d heard more than one man claim kissing was for women.

  “Oh, honey,” Leo rumbled, his lips curving into a wide smile even as his eyes narrowed. The feral gleam returned to his expression as he lowered his head and rubbed his cheek against Jerry’s own. “I will kiss every inch of your body at some point, my mate,” Leo whispered huskily into his ear. “And I’m honored to be your first.”

  Then Leo turned his head and pressed his lips lightly against the corner of Jerry’s mouth in a gentle touch. He lifted, then moved to the other corner of his mouth. Then he licked along Jerry’s lower lip before suckling at the flesh lightly.

  Jerry gasped at the stimulus, the play sending zings down his chest.

  “Yessss,” Leo rumbled, then sealed his mouth over Jerry’s fully. He dipped his tongue between his lips, teasing at Jerry’s own. Pulling away, he peered into Jerry’s gaze, smiling at him. “Just follow my lead and enjoy, baby.”

  Leo threaded the fingers of his left hand into Jerry’s hair, tugging the strands lightly and using the hold to tip Jerry’s head to the side a little. He dipped his head and sealed his mouth over Jerry’s once again. Then he pushed his tongue inside Jerry, using his lips and tongue to massage and manipulate Jerry’s own.

  Going with it, Jerry twisted his fingers into the back of Leo’s shirt. He touched his tongue to Leo’s. The move earned him a soft, pleased-sounding growl from the other man.

  Jerry lost himself in the sensation of Leo’s lips and tongue. His brain shut down. His body felt as if it went up in flames, sending fiery tendrils through him. When his erection began to pulse in time with Leo’s laps against his tongue, Jerry groaned and shifted his hips restlessly, his body searching for something.

  Through the haze of pleasure, Jerry felt pressure on his crotch. He gasped, then moaned into Leo’s kiss. The pressure became a rhythmic massage, and Jerry bucked helplessly into the touch.

  Leo broke the kiss, and Jerry gasped, sucking in a deep breath of air he hadn’t even realized he’d needed.

  “Come for me, mate,” Leo purred into his ear. “Don’t fight your need.” He nipped Jerry’s earlobe, then drew it into his mouth for a few light sucks.

  The extra stimulus caused a riot in Jerry’s mind, and it shut down as it overloaded with ecstasy.

  Jerry cried out and bucked. His body erupted in bliss-inducing tingles. He couldn’t have stopped himself even if he’d recognized the signs... which he didn’t.

  With a cry, Jerry erupted. His orgasm blind-sided him, causing his senses to sing. Panting harshly, Jerry floated on waves upon waves of blissful endorphins.

  He wasn’t entirely certain how long he was out of it. When he finally blinked his eyes open, he found a very smug-looking Leo staring down at him. His forefingers petted along his jaw, back and forth.

  “So gorgeous in your pleasure,” Leo murmured before dipping his head and pecking a kiss to his lips. “Plan to put that expression on your face often.”

  Jerry gasped softly, trying to catch his breath. He couldn’t ever remember an orgasm feeling like that before.

  And it’s all due to this man... this shifter.

  God, how did I get so lucky?

  Leo teased his fingertips down Jerry’s neck. “I’m really enjoying the way you’re looking at me right now, Jerry.” Cocking his head, he roved his gaze over him. “Care to share your thoughts?”

  Feeling a little self-conscious, Leo mumbled, “Just feeling lucky.”

  “Me, too.” Leo pecked another kiss to his lips, then pushed upward, easing from Jerry’s grip on his shirt. His attention strayed to where he still ever-so-gently pushed against Jerry’s crotch... which was now damp. “Can I open your pants and lick you clean?” Leo peered hungrily at Jerry’s groin as he licked his lips. “Your cum smells so fucking fantastic. I wanna taste.”

  “O-Okay.” The word was out of Jerry’s mouth before his bliss-fried brain could catch up.

  Leo growled, the sound one of pure pleasure, then he reached for Jerry’s fly.

  Unable to help himself, Jerry tensed.

  Obviously catching the move, Leo froze, his fingers pausing a hairsbreadth from his zipper. “Baby? Jerry?” He lowered his right hand to Jerry’s stomach, sliding it under his coat. “You okay? Talk to me.”

  Feeling Leo’s fingertips tease over the t-shirt covering his belly, Jerry blew out a harsh breath. “S-Sorry. You’re fine,” he muttered, feeling his cheeks heat. “You just, um—”

  Leo continued to tease at his stomach, pushing up his coat. “Talk to me, my lover,” he urged while
popping the button of his jeans. “Tell me what I did wrong.” Even as he slid down Jerry’s zipper, he returned his focus to Jerry’s face, his expression turning beseeching. “I can’t know how to please you if you don’t tell me what I did wrong, baby.”

  “You moved so quickly,” Jerry blurted out, feeling his cheeks heat for a reason other than arousal. Hating his fair, redheaded complexion, he grimaced. “Um, fast moves in the past.” Pausing, Jerry couldn’t continue to hold Leo’s gaze. He swallowed hard, all arousal fleeing him. “It meant pain.”

  “Ahhhh,” Leo crooned. “I can’t promise I won’t always yank you to me or seize your lips.” Pulling his hand from Jerry’s stomach, Leo moved it to tease at Jerry’s lips, redrawing his focus. “But know this. You are my mate, my other half. My reason for living.” Leo swept his gaze up and down Jerry’s mostly covered form, then returned his attention to Jerry’s face, meeting his gaze again. “That means I will never harm you. You’re my reason for living. I’ll always do anything to protect you.”

  Overwhelmed by not only the riot of emotions that were surging through him, but by the intensity of Leo’s voice, Jerry felt pinpricks hit the backs of his eyes. He swallowed a whimper even as his gut clenched. Turning away from Leo, he scrambled away from him.

  “B-Bathroom,” Jerry cried before swallowing back another sob. “Pl-Please.” That time, he knew he hadn’t hidden his overwhelming emotions.

  “Yeah, baby,” Leo murmured, sounding so damn understanding. “Third door on your right. Head in there, and I’ll find you a change of clothes and leave them just outside the door.”

  Unable to resist the allure of hiding his wayward emotions, Jerry jumped to his feet and rushed from the room, more than happy to hide under the water of a hot, private shower.

  Chapter Seven

  Leo bit back a sigh as he watched Jerry run to the bathroom like a jackrabbit fleeing a fox. Rubbing his hand over his face, he did his best to ignore the throb of his unsatisfied cock. He shook his head, knowing he’d pushed his mate too hard too fast.